Bishop's Youth Challenge

Read the scriptures below, one row a week, to complete the challenge and join in the Ward Youth Movie / Pizza Party!

The Book of Mormon Youth Challenge

Grandview 7th Ward 2021

Moroni 10:3-5

Moroni’s promise to know if the Book of Mormon is true

Alma 32:21-43

Alma explains how to plant the seed of faith and nourish it

Alma 34:17-27

Amulek describes what we should pray about

3 Nephi 11-14

Christ’s visit to

the Americas

3 Nephi 17

Christ’s ministry to the Nephites, His compassion, His healing

of the Nephites

2 Nephi 2

Lehi talks about the

Plan of Salvation

Alma 5

Alma’s talk to the

people of Zarahemla

Alma 36

Powerful description

of repentance

Helaman 5

Helaman’s lecture and Nephi and Lehi’s missionary experience

Helaman 5:12 - Build our foundation on Christ

Moroni 7

How to lay hold upon

every good thing

Mosiah 13-16

Abinadi’s preaching

to King Noah

and his Priests

2 Nephi 31

Doctrine of Christ

Enos 1

Gaining a testimony

Ether 12

Faith, Hope, and Charity

Ether 12:27

Weakness can make

us strong

I Nephi 8, 11

Lehi’s and Nephi’s vision

of the Iron Rod

2 Nephi 9




Mosiah 2-5

King Benjamin’s address

Mosiah 2:19-21,3:19

 Following the Spirit to

overcome the natural man

Alma 40, 41

The resurrection

Alma 42

Mortality is a

probationary time

2 Nephi 26:33

The Lord invites


to come unto Him